Tuesday, January 6, 2015

#Edustory Blogging Challenge

Hello all!
I have to admit, when I saw the #YourEdustory Challenge on Twitter I was a little hesitant about accepting.  I thought it sounded very exciting and at the same time very scary...Will I be able to keep up with the posts?  Do I have anything of any value to say?  Will anyone actually READ my posts?  The more I thought about it, the more I decided to give it a go!  So here I am...I ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE!   Let's do this!  As Nike says, "Just Do It!"  Ok, I got carried away with my own little pep talk...sorry.

Here goes my first #YourEdustory post - What ONE word will inspire my classroom teaching for 2015?
Hmmmm...I think I'd have to say that word is "Awesome".  Now, I know you all are thinking; "Really?".  Of all the words in the dictionary, I pick "Awesome"?  Yes!  Here's why: "Awesome" encompasses everything I want my students to hear, read, see, believe, do and experience.  I want them to work hard, go above and beyond, take risks, fail sometimes, pick themselves back up and keep going.  I have this word posted in my classroom.  I remind my students every day when they leave to "Remember to Be Awesome".  This is a video that I shared with my students at the beginning of the year.

So, as I start on this somewhat intimidating road of blogging, I will remind myself to take risks, fail sometimes, pick myself back up and keep going and of course, to be "Awesome"! Come join me!


  1. Thats awesome. (Sorry, I had to.) I call my room (room 17 if you must know) Awesomnisity Central, for all the reasons you discuss above! Don't forget the awesome sauce!

    1. Thank you so much! Wow! What a great start to this #YourEdusttory blogging challenge!

  2. I agree with Mark - it is Awesome!
    Here is proof someone will read your post and the value in challenges like this as we connect and gain an audience for our ideas and thoughts. I am participating too and think my word will be 'Connect' (although I have not posted yet ;)
    Celia (Melbourne Australia)

    1. Thank you so much for the comment! I can't wait to read your blog when you start! I agree with you-CONNECT is a wonderful word to start with on this new adventure!

  3. Your one word made me think of this:
    Be more awesome!
    Glad you have joined the Share #YourEdustory Challenge. Happy blogging!

    1. Thank you so much! Kid President is super "awesome"!

  4. I think the irony (and power) of inspiring awesome is that failure can be the most inspirational part of it. When I feel intimidated by the challenge to be an awesome teacher, I try to focus on how failure has led to awesome for so many people. We can't be awesome without it!

    1. I agree with you 100%! Too many times we (students included) let the fear of failure keep us from trying something. We, as teachers can try to change that!

  5. Kudos to you Elise! I love how you made the video to help capture and share with your students your passion and the belief you have that each of them can make a difference. We are two peas in a pod too, on my classroom wall, in the words of Kid Pres (and now I'll think of you) are the words, "Be More Awesome." When I have a student misbehaving/off-track, I tell him/her to "Be More Awesome." :)
